"Well, doc, am I in good condition for a man of 80?" "I can't seem to find anything wrong with you. But if you keep feeling tired, I recommend you to give up about half of your love life, sir." "Which half should I give up,doc? Thinking about it, or talking about it?" "그러니까,의사선생,80된 사람치고는 내 건강상태가 괜찮은 건가요?" "네 별 이상이 없는 것 같네요.하지만 계속 피로를 느끼시면 애정생활을 반쯤 줄이시라고 말씀드리고 싶네요" "반쯤이라면 어느 쪽 반 말인가요.생각하는 쪽 말인가요 아니면 입담으로 해대는 쪽 말인가요?" *doc:[미국구어]doctor *keep feeling:계속--를 느끼다 *love life:sex life