On his arrival in the U.S., the poor young man heard that a church needed an attendant,and he applied for the job.

But he was turned down because he could neither read or write.

Over the years this man became a millionaire.

One day he needed a great sum of money and called on a banker for a loan.

A not was drawn up and the millionaire was asked to sign it.

He explained since he could neither read or write he would have to make an X.

"Amazing!" exclaimed the banker.

"Imagine what you would be doing now if you could read and write!"

"I'd be nothing but a church attendant,"said the rich man.

미국에 당도한 가난한 청년은 어느 교회에서 심부름꾼을 구하고 있다기에 찾아갔으나 문맹자라는 이유로 거절당했다.

그로부터 세월은 흘러 이 청년은 갑부로 대성했다.

어느 날 거액의 융자가 필요해 은행에 갔다.

융자서류에 서명을 해야 할 단계에서 그는 일자무식이니 X표를 하겠다고 했다.

"놀랍군요! 글을 아셨다면 지금쯤 어떻게 됐을까요!"라며 은행사람은 감탄을 했다.

"그랬다면 교회심부름꾼 밖에 더 됐을라구"라고 갑부는 말했다.

△ church attendant : 교회 심부름꾼

△ turn down : 거절하다. 퇴짜 놓다