One of the burdens of office of the small-town mayor was his brother-in-law who liked to throw his in-law's political weight around.

The mayor had instructed the town officials not to pay attentions to the man's bluster.

One day the man got a ticket for overtime parking.

He stormed into police headquarters."Do you know who I am?" he shouted.

The desk sergeant surveyed him calmly,then picked up his phone and called the mayor's office.

"Tell the mayor," he said to the secretary,"that his brother-in-law is down here and can't remember his name."

작은 읍의 읍장,그의 골칫거리는 그를 팔고 다니는 처남이었다.

읍장은 처남의 공갈을 무시해버릴 것을 부하직원들에게 지시했다.

어느 날 그 처남은 주차시간을 어겨 딱지를 받게 되었다.

그러자 경찰서에 들이닥치더니 "내가 누군지 알아?"하고 소리치는 것이었다.

당직 경사는 침착하게 그를 바라보더니 읍장실로 전화를 걸어 비서에게 말했다.

"읍장께 전해줘요. 그의 처남이 여기 와있는데 자기 이름을 기억하지 못 하네요."

△ throw political weight around:정치적 영향력을 팔고 다니다

△ bluster:허세,공갈

△ desk sergeant:당직 경사