"Your Honor,I want a divorce. My husband has been cheating on me,"

"Do you have any serious evidence to substantiate your claim?"

"I saw him enter a movie theater with another woman."

"Who was this other woman?"

"I don't know. I never saw her before."

"Then why didn't you follow them into the theater and find out who she was."

"I would have,but the man I was with had already seen that picture!"

"판사님,전 이혼을 해야겠습니다. 남편이 몰래 딴 짓을 하고 다닙니다."

"그걸 입증할 증거가 있습니까?"

"딴 여자랑 영화관에 들어가는 걸 봤습니다."

"그 여자가 누구였는데요?"

"그건 모릅니다. 전에 본 적이 없는 여자였습니다."

"그럼 왜 뒤따라 들어가서 알아보지 않으셨죠?"

"그러고 싶었지만 함께 갔던 남자가 그 영화는 이미 본 거라더군요."

△substantiate claim:주장을 입증하