A preacher was asked to give a talk at a local women‘s health club. His wife asked about his topic, but he was to embarrassed to admit that he had been asked to speak about sex.

Thinking quickly, he replied, ”I‘m talking about sailing.”

“Oh, that’s nice,“ said his wife.

The next day, at the grocery store, a young woman who had attended the lecture said to the minister’s wife.

“That was certainly an excellent talk your husband gave yesterday,” she said.

“He really has a unique perspective on the subject.”

“Gee, funny you should think so,” the minister‘s wife said.

”I mean, he‘s only done it twice.”

여성 헬스클럽이 목사님을 연사로 초청했다.

뭣에 관해 이야기하느냐고 부인이 묻는데, 주제가 섹스라는 걸 밝히자니 너무 쑥스러웠다.

그래서 얼른 머리를 굴려 “요트 타기에 관해 이야기할 거요”라고 대답했다.

이튿날 식료품 가게에 간 목사부인을 보고 전날 강연회에 갔던 한 젊은 여자가 말했다.

“어제 목사님 이야기 참 좋던데요.

아주 독특한 시각에서 그 문제를 다루더군요”라고 하는 것이었다.

“어째서 그렇게 생각하는지 알다가도 모를 일이네요.

그 양반 두 번 밖에 그걸 해보지 않았거든요”라고 목사부인은 말했다.

*too embarrassed to admit;실토하기엔 너무 난처한
*unique perspective;독특한 시각
*funny;[구어]기묘한, 수상한