The man was very pleased because he had proposed and been accepted.
He decided to have some new clothes to get married in.
So he went to his tailor and was measured for his wedding garments.
When it was done the tailor coughed apologetically.
"I'm sorry, Mr. Harrison, but I must ask you to pay cash for these suits."
"What! I've had an account with you for 14 years, and I've always settled half-yearly!"
"I know,sir," apologized the tailor, "but up to now you've always handled your own money!"

청혼을 해서 승낙을 받은 남자는 여간 기쁜게 아니었다. 그래서 결혼식 때 입을 옷을 새로 장만하기로 했다. 양복점으로 가 치수를 쟀는데 그 일이 끝나자 양복점 주인은 미안해하면서 헛기침을 했다. "죄송하지만 옷값은 현금으로 주셔야겠습니다. " "뭐라고요! 14년 동안 거래하면서 반년마다 결제를 해왔잖아요!" "그러셨죠.하지만 지금까진 늘 돈을 직접 관리해 오셨던 게 아닙니까!"

△cough apologetically:미안해하면서 헛기침을 하