[한경에세이] '크고 다르게' 생각하기
기사 스크랩
피터 야거 <한국노바티스 사장 peter.jager@novartis.com>
어느덧 3월 중순이다. 겨울잠에 빠졌던 동물들이 깨어나고 여린 새싹들이 피어나는 봄이다. 3월이면 저마다 새로운 시작을 맞게 된다. 새 학년 새 학기를 맞은 학생들,사회에 첫발을 내딛는 사회초년생들은 설렘과 두려움을 안고 포부를 다지고 있을 것이다. 새 일터에서 일을 시작하게 된 직장인,갓 결혼한 신혼부부,막 2세를 얻은 부모 등 새로운 시작은 기대감으로 부풀게 마련이다.
3월은 필자에게도 특별한 의미를 갖는다. 스위스에서 한국으로 부임,급변하는 환경에서 일을 시작한 것이 작년 이맘 때다. 그때가 엊그제 같으면서도 마치 한국에서 여러 해를 살아온 것 같은 느낌이다. 첫 출근부터 한국 생활은 강렬하고 흥미로운 경험의 연속이었다. 필자는 지난 25년간 여러 나라를 두루 경험해봤지만 그 중에서도 한국은 놀라울 만큼 활기가 넘친다. 특히 학생,전문가,운동선수,예술가 등 각 분야에 있는 한국사람들의 열정과 추진력이 필자를 끊임없이 놀라게 한다.
한국 부임 이후 회사에서 젊은 인재들을 만나고 알아가는 과정이 즐겁다. 인재를 채용하고,개발하며 보유할 수 있는 회사는 미래의 성공 열쇠를 쥘 수 있다고 믿기 때문이다. 특히 요즘과 같은 경기 침체 속에서 지속적 성공을 위한 유일하고도 중요한 자산은 바로 인적자원이다. 혁신을 이끄는 것도 사람이며 비즈니스,과학,기술,예술뿐만 아니라 정치에서의 성공을 가능케 하는 것도 사람이지 않은가.
내가 알고 있는 많은 한국인들은 글로벌 비즈니스를 익히고,다른 나라의 문화를 배우는 등 스스로를 글로벌 수준으로 발전시키기 위해 노력한다. 필자는 더 많은 한국인들이 그들의 재능과 창의성,지식을 세계 무대에서 펼칠 수 있기를 바란다. 이들이 바로 떠오르는 글로벌 파워로서,한국 미래의 열쇠와 같기 때문이다.
필자 회사의 경우도 글로벌 기업의 특성을 살려 인재들에게 스위스 본사,미국,아시아 등에서 일할 수 있는 기회를 제공,글로벌 리더로서 성장할 수 있도록 하고 있다. 지금까지 20여명의 직원들이 이 프로그램에 참여했고,이들이 한국으로 돌아왔을 땐 더 뛰어난 능력을 보여 주었다.
글로벌 리더를 키워내는 방법은 뭘까. 무엇보다 최고 경영층의 리더십,비전,결단력이 중요하고,활성화 의지와 유연성이 있어야 한다. 인재들은 스스로 새로운 목표를 이루려는 의지를 갖고 '크고 다르게' 생각할 줄 알아야 한다. 영어를 마스터하는 것은 물론 타 문화에 대한 경계를 허물어야 한다.
한국에는 글로벌 시장에서 지속적으로 성장할 수 있는 글로벌 비즈니스 리더들이 더욱 요구되고 있고,바로 지금이 그때다. 글로벌 침체로 인해 우리 스스로 길을 잃거나 무기력해질 이유는 없다. 기회는 항상 찾아올 것이며 우리 주변에 널려 있지 않은가.
The Human Capital: Korea‘s most promising Growth Engine
Peter Jager,President of Novartis Korea peter.jager@novartis.com
We are already in March now. Spring has begun: animals are waking up from hibernation and fledgling sprouts are coming out. Spring signals the start of the four seasons, it’s like a new beginning in many ways. Students begin their new academic year, graduates are seeking to start their careers pledging to achieve ambitions with flutter and fear. Many people will be starting a new life, be it as newly wed couples, parents who just had a baby or workers moving to another location to further their career.
The month of March has a special meaning to me. This time a year ago, I moved from Switzerland to Korea and started my new job here, leading a team of 500 in a business fueled by innovation in a very challenging market environment. It seems like yesterday and yet I have the impression I have been living and working in Korea since many years. It has been that intense and exciting an experience from the first day. Having been traveling and working pretty much around the world for some 25 years, my Korean experience so far has been that of a surprisingly vibrant society, featuring many superlatives in terms of recognizing the importance of education as a cornerstone of future success and prosperity. Korean people never cease to amaze me in their drive and ambition to achieve their goals, whether high school students, university graduates, interns, experienced professionals, artists or athletes: all have one thing in common: the will to succeed and the aim to be the best in what they are doing.
Coming back to the power of education: the fact that more than 80% of Korea‘s high school students pursue university education and that 50% of young Koreans have attained tertiary education is remarkable. In my first year I have had the pleasure to hire and get to know many young talents in my own company; more than ever, I believe that those companies that are able to attract, develop and retain talents hold the key to future success. This is why especially now, in days of economic downturn, we have to be even more aware of our human capital as the single most important asset for sustained economic success. It’s people that drive innovation and it‘s people that enable success, be it in business, in science, technology, arts, even politics. The current government has recognized this in its approach to become more business friendly, reforming regulations and policies, removing boundaries and turning Korea into a truly global emerging player.
Many Koreans I know have this strong determination to develop themselves in a global way, learning about international business and foreign cultures. All of those who are working and learning abroad wish to return to Korea sooner or later and contribute even more to the success of Korea, their own company and ultimately, to the prosperity of their parents and families - in that order!. These exceptionally driven people, are the key to the future of Korea as an emerging global power. So far in my company, about 20 employees have participated in international assignment programs in recent years, showing their enhanced capabilities after they return to Korea.
I truly hope, capitalizing on the opportunities that global companies offer, that many more Korean people will display their talent, creativity and knowledge in the world arena without being confined in Korea. In that sense, in our company, we actively provide outstanding employees with chances to get international assignment opportunities for talent development at either the headquarter office or in major operations such as the United States, Europe and other Asian countries, which help them grow as global leaders. In selecting and recruiting talented Koreans for global development, we must be considering job rotations, short- and long term international assignments as well as internships.
What does it take to develop global Korean leaders? First of all: leadership, vision and determination by top management, offering a career path which includes ’return tickets‘, before the assignment. Second: facilitation and flexibility by authorities. And by the talents themselves: willingness to explore new horizons, thinking ’big and differently‘, overcoming the cross-cultural boundaries and of course, mastering the English language.
Korea, as a knowledge economy, needs more global business leaders to keep growing in a globalized market. The time is now. Let us not be distracted or demotivated by the current global downturn. On the contrary: opportunities will always come up - and prevail.
3월은 필자에게도 특별한 의미를 갖는다. 스위스에서 한국으로 부임,급변하는 환경에서 일을 시작한 것이 작년 이맘 때다. 그때가 엊그제 같으면서도 마치 한국에서 여러 해를 살아온 것 같은 느낌이다. 첫 출근부터 한국 생활은 강렬하고 흥미로운 경험의 연속이었다. 필자는 지난 25년간 여러 나라를 두루 경험해봤지만 그 중에서도 한국은 놀라울 만큼 활기가 넘친다. 특히 학생,전문가,운동선수,예술가 등 각 분야에 있는 한국사람들의 열정과 추진력이 필자를 끊임없이 놀라게 한다.
한국 부임 이후 회사에서 젊은 인재들을 만나고 알아가는 과정이 즐겁다. 인재를 채용하고,개발하며 보유할 수 있는 회사는 미래의 성공 열쇠를 쥘 수 있다고 믿기 때문이다. 특히 요즘과 같은 경기 침체 속에서 지속적 성공을 위한 유일하고도 중요한 자산은 바로 인적자원이다. 혁신을 이끄는 것도 사람이며 비즈니스,과학,기술,예술뿐만 아니라 정치에서의 성공을 가능케 하는 것도 사람이지 않은가.
내가 알고 있는 많은 한국인들은 글로벌 비즈니스를 익히고,다른 나라의 문화를 배우는 등 스스로를 글로벌 수준으로 발전시키기 위해 노력한다. 필자는 더 많은 한국인들이 그들의 재능과 창의성,지식을 세계 무대에서 펼칠 수 있기를 바란다. 이들이 바로 떠오르는 글로벌 파워로서,한국 미래의 열쇠와 같기 때문이다.
필자 회사의 경우도 글로벌 기업의 특성을 살려 인재들에게 스위스 본사,미국,아시아 등에서 일할 수 있는 기회를 제공,글로벌 리더로서 성장할 수 있도록 하고 있다. 지금까지 20여명의 직원들이 이 프로그램에 참여했고,이들이 한국으로 돌아왔을 땐 더 뛰어난 능력을 보여 주었다.
글로벌 리더를 키워내는 방법은 뭘까. 무엇보다 최고 경영층의 리더십,비전,결단력이 중요하고,활성화 의지와 유연성이 있어야 한다. 인재들은 스스로 새로운 목표를 이루려는 의지를 갖고 '크고 다르게' 생각할 줄 알아야 한다. 영어를 마스터하는 것은 물론 타 문화에 대한 경계를 허물어야 한다.
한국에는 글로벌 시장에서 지속적으로 성장할 수 있는 글로벌 비즈니스 리더들이 더욱 요구되고 있고,바로 지금이 그때다. 글로벌 침체로 인해 우리 스스로 길을 잃거나 무기력해질 이유는 없다. 기회는 항상 찾아올 것이며 우리 주변에 널려 있지 않은가.
The Human Capital: Korea‘s most promising Growth Engine
Peter Jager,President of Novartis Korea peter.jager@novartis.com
We are already in March now. Spring has begun: animals are waking up from hibernation and fledgling sprouts are coming out. Spring signals the start of the four seasons, it’s like a new beginning in many ways. Students begin their new academic year, graduates are seeking to start their careers pledging to achieve ambitions with flutter and fear. Many people will be starting a new life, be it as newly wed couples, parents who just had a baby or workers moving to another location to further their career.
The month of March has a special meaning to me. This time a year ago, I moved from Switzerland to Korea and started my new job here, leading a team of 500 in a business fueled by innovation in a very challenging market environment. It seems like yesterday and yet I have the impression I have been living and working in Korea since many years. It has been that intense and exciting an experience from the first day. Having been traveling and working pretty much around the world for some 25 years, my Korean experience so far has been that of a surprisingly vibrant society, featuring many superlatives in terms of recognizing the importance of education as a cornerstone of future success and prosperity. Korean people never cease to amaze me in their drive and ambition to achieve their goals, whether high school students, university graduates, interns, experienced professionals, artists or athletes: all have one thing in common: the will to succeed and the aim to be the best in what they are doing.
Coming back to the power of education: the fact that more than 80% of Korea‘s high school students pursue university education and that 50% of young Koreans have attained tertiary education is remarkable. In my first year I have had the pleasure to hire and get to know many young talents in my own company; more than ever, I believe that those companies that are able to attract, develop and retain talents hold the key to future success. This is why especially now, in days of economic downturn, we have to be even more aware of our human capital as the single most important asset for sustained economic success. It’s people that drive innovation and it‘s people that enable success, be it in business, in science, technology, arts, even politics. The current government has recognized this in its approach to become more business friendly, reforming regulations and policies, removing boundaries and turning Korea into a truly global emerging player.
Many Koreans I know have this strong determination to develop themselves in a global way, learning about international business and foreign cultures. All of those who are working and learning abroad wish to return to Korea sooner or later and contribute even more to the success of Korea, their own company and ultimately, to the prosperity of their parents and families - in that order!. These exceptionally driven people, are the key to the future of Korea as an emerging global power. So far in my company, about 20 employees have participated in international assignment programs in recent years, showing their enhanced capabilities after they return to Korea.
I truly hope, capitalizing on the opportunities that global companies offer, that many more Korean people will display their talent, creativity and knowledge in the world arena without being confined in Korea. In that sense, in our company, we actively provide outstanding employees with chances to get international assignment opportunities for talent development at either the headquarter office or in major operations such as the United States, Europe and other Asian countries, which help them grow as global leaders. In selecting and recruiting talented Koreans for global development, we must be considering job rotations, short- and long term international assignments as well as internships.
What does it take to develop global Korean leaders? First of all: leadership, vision and determination by top management, offering a career path which includes ’return tickets‘, before the assignment. Second: facilitation and flexibility by authorities. And by the talents themselves: willingness to explore new horizons, thinking ’big and differently‘, overcoming the cross-cultural boundaries and of course, mastering the English language.
Korea, as a knowledge economy, needs more global business leaders to keep growing in a globalized market. The time is now. Let us not be distracted or demotivated by the current global downturn. On the contrary: opportunities will always come up - and prevail.