George is a man of very few word. One Sunday he went church, but his wife was sick and stayed home. When he returned, she asked, "Was the sermon good?"

"Yup," was George's reply.

"What was it about?" she asked.


"And what did the pastor say?"

"He's against it."

조지는 아주 말수가 적은 사람이다. 어느 일요일,몸이 불편한 아내가 나서지 못 하자 그는 혼자 교회에 갔다. 교회에서 돌아오자 아내가 물었다.

"설교 좋았어요?"

"응"하고 남편은 대답했다.

"뭣에 관해 이야기했는데요?"


"그럼 죄에 대해 뭐라고 하던가요?"

