오늘의 표현

Things are bound to pick up. 다 잘될 거예요.

W: I am not sure moving to a bigger apartment was a good decision.

큰 아파트로 이사 가기로 결정한 게 잘한 건지 모르겠어요.

M: Why not? You said you were happy with that.

왜요? 행복하다고 했잖아요.

W: I know but it's difficult to cover the loan I took out for the finance.

네, 하지만 재정적인 면에서 대출을 갚기가 어렵네요.

M: I am sure you will get over it eventually.

결국 잘 극복할 텐데요 뭘.

W: I hope so. But my business is slow at the moment.

그러길 바라지만 지금 사업이 잘 안 돼요.

M: Don't worry. Things are bound to pick up.

걱정 마요. 다 잘될 거예요.

be bound to ~할 예정이다 pick up 경기가 좋아지다

오늘의 표현

That's a wait and see situation. 두고 봐야 알지.

W: How's the new manager at the company?

회사에 새로 온 매니저 어때?

M: Well, he seems quite different from our previous one.

글쎄, 예전 분과는 많이 다른 것 같아.

W: So, do you think he'll be the right man for the job?

일은? 적임자인 것 같아?

M: I can't be certain for that he wants to be active on everything.

확신할 순 없지만 모든 일에 적극적이긴 해.

W: That might work out for the better.

그럼 좋아지겠네.

M: That's a wait and see situation.

두고 봐야 알지.

wait and see 일이 되어 가는, 형편을 살피는

work out 효과가 있다, 도움이 되다

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