사진=shanghaiist 보도 캡처
사진=shanghaiist 보도 캡처
지난 5일 중국 후난(湖南)성의 한 유치원 교사는 학생들의 정기 숙제 검사 도중 한 아이 가방에서 2만 위안(350만원)의 현금을 발견했다.

상하이스트는 신 씨 성을 가진 이 4살짜리 아이가 그의 가족이 집에서 포커 게임을 하며 돈을 모으는 것을 보았고, 그의 엄마가 옷장에 돈을 넣어두고 외출한 틈을 타 반 친구들과 포커 도박을 하기 위해 돈을 빼 유치원에 나온 것이라고 8일 전했다.

이 사실은 신 군의 담임 선생이 숙제를 제출하지 않은 신군의 가방을 열어보다 발견한 것으로, 발견 즉시 신군의 엄마에게 연락해 이 사실을 알린것으로 나타났다.

A kindergarten teacher in Hunan found one of her four-year-old students carrying 20,000 yuan cash in his backpack during a routine homework check on March 5, which he reportedly brought to school so that he could play poker with his friends 'like adults'. Kids these days.

The young boy, Xin, said he'd once seen his family members collecting money while playing poker games at home. On March 3, he watched his mother put a stash of money in the closet, so he took it and stuffed it in his backpack while she was out.
He carried the bag containing 20,000 yuan and went to school, planning to play with his friends in class, but as he hadn't found any opportunities to play with them, the money was sitting inside his backpack for two days before it was found.

On that day, Xin didn't hand in his homework, and when he told the teacher that it was in his bag, she opened it and found, to her surprise, some toys and 20,000 yuan cash inside.

The teacher immediately called Xin's mom, who said she'd been searching for the money for the past two days.

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