[비즈니스 유머] 감찰 - Inspection
When an American army unit’s chow hall was visited by a team of inspectors, soldiers noticed that the food was better than usual and that there were even smiles on the servers’ faces. As they were preparing to leave after eating their meal, one of them, a woman sergeant, called an inspector over. “Yes, sergeant,” the inspector said, “Do you have a question?” “Well, sir,” she replied, “We were wondering if you would like to come back more often.”

한 미군 부대의 식당에 감찰팀이 나타나자 부대원들의 주의를 끈 것은 음식이 평소보다 좋아진 것과 심지어 급식하는 사람들의 표정까지 밝아졌다는 사실이었다. 식사를 마치고 식당을 나가다가 한 여군 하사관이 감찰 나온 사람에게 다가갔다. “그래 하사관, 뭐 물어볼 게 있나?” “저희가 궁금한 건 좀 자주 와주실 수 없겠나 하는 겁니다.”

*chow hall : (군대 등의) 식당