[비즈니스 유머] 자백 - Owning up
The woman was being let go because of a bad habit she had of failing too often to show up for work. One of her colleagues who was an officer in the company’s union was preparing to argue on the woman’s behalf. Before she could do that, however, the woman inadvertently blurted out, “But I was really sick this time.”

결근을 너무 자주 하는 나쁜 습관 때문에 한 여직원이 해고당할 처지에 놓였다. 회사 노조 임원인 동료 직원 하나가 그녀를 변호하려고 준비 중이었다. 그런데 그녀의 변론이 미처 시작되기도 전에 당사자가 무심코 불쑥 한마디 하는 것이다. “하지만 이번만은 정말 아팠다고요.”