트럼프 시대에 잘 팔리는 소설, 뭔가 봤더니 … BBC 보도
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도널드 트럼프 미국 대통령 취임 이후 잘 팔리는 소설은 '디스토피아'(반 이상향)의 내용을 담고 있다고 영국 BBC 방송이 29일 전했다.
29일 아마존에서 가장 많이 팔린 소설 1위인 '1984'는 트럼프 대통령 취임 이후 판매량이 90배 이상 증가했다. 오웰의 또 다른 소설 '동물농장'도 덩달아 인기가 치솟고 있다. '동물농장'은 독재자와 사회주의 문제를 통렬하게 풍자한 정치 우화다.
1월 20일 트럼프 대통령 취임 이후 조지 오웰의 소설 '1984'는 불티나게 팔려나가고 있다. 1949년 발간된 소설은 전체주의 사회에서 '빅 브라더'가 감시자로 국민의 일거수일투족을 통제하는 디스토피아 세계를 담아냈다.
BBC 방송이 인터넷 홈페이지에서 소개한 트럼프 시대에 잘 팔리는 소설은 다음과 같다. 다음은 원문.
BBC says that ‘Trump Era’s best sellers are dystopian novels which are a quiet different from his main ideology ‘American First’.
In the BBC homepage, the books are introduced with brief explanation and it includes George Orwell’s ‘1984’ or ‘Animal Farm’. After Trump’s inauguration, sales volume of ‘1984’ has been dramatically increased by more than 9500%. Introduced novels are listed below.
△‘It can’t happen here’ (Sinclair Louis, 1935) : According to the research organization ‘Sinclair Louis Society’, one of the novel’s main character shares several similarities with Trump. Both of them emphasize ‘American First’ and America’s traditional value but the one in the character ends up with being a dictator.
△‘1984’ (George Orwell, 1949) : It is said the novel’s totalitarian social atmosphere which requires the public to believe in distorted ideology, is quiet similar with current US. Trump government’s weird comment called ‘Alternative Facts’ has been another factor that allowed this book to be a best seller.
△‘Brave New World’ (Aldous Huxley, 1932) : This book emphasizes that in order for a man to find his or her true identity in a totalitarian society, ‘Literature’ is the answer.
△‘Fahrenheit 451’ (Ray Bradbury, 1953) : The main character of the novel is the one who burns illegally owned books, since in 24th century all books are forbidden. He asks himself about the value of his job and life. Fahrenheit 451, is a temperature that makes a book start to burn.
△‘The Art of the Deal’ (Donald Trump) : Trump’s autobiography including his success story. According to the critic, reading this book is quiet a fine way to understand his political view.
권신혁 한경닷컴 학생인턴기자(연세대 융합인문사회계열 1년)
29일 아마존에서 가장 많이 팔린 소설 1위인 '1984'는 트럼프 대통령 취임 이후 판매량이 90배 이상 증가했다. 오웰의 또 다른 소설 '동물농장'도 덩달아 인기가 치솟고 있다. '동물농장'은 독재자와 사회주의 문제를 통렬하게 풍자한 정치 우화다.
1월 20일 트럼프 대통령 취임 이후 조지 오웰의 소설 '1984'는 불티나게 팔려나가고 있다. 1949년 발간된 소설은 전체주의 사회에서 '빅 브라더'가 감시자로 국민의 일거수일투족을 통제하는 디스토피아 세계를 담아냈다.
BBC 방송이 인터넷 홈페이지에서 소개한 트럼프 시대에 잘 팔리는 소설은 다음과 같다. 다음은 원문.
BBC says that ‘Trump Era’s best sellers are dystopian novels which are a quiet different from his main ideology ‘American First’.
In the BBC homepage, the books are introduced with brief explanation and it includes George Orwell’s ‘1984’ or ‘Animal Farm’. After Trump’s inauguration, sales volume of ‘1984’ has been dramatically increased by more than 9500%. Introduced novels are listed below.
△‘It can’t happen here’ (Sinclair Louis, 1935) : According to the research organization ‘Sinclair Louis Society’, one of the novel’s main character shares several similarities with Trump. Both of them emphasize ‘American First’ and America’s traditional value but the one in the character ends up with being a dictator.
△‘1984’ (George Orwell, 1949) : It is said the novel’s totalitarian social atmosphere which requires the public to believe in distorted ideology, is quiet similar with current US. Trump government’s weird comment called ‘Alternative Facts’ has been another factor that allowed this book to be a best seller.
△‘Brave New World’ (Aldous Huxley, 1932) : This book emphasizes that in order for a man to find his or her true identity in a totalitarian society, ‘Literature’ is the answer.
△‘Fahrenheit 451’ (Ray Bradbury, 1953) : The main character of the novel is the one who burns illegally owned books, since in 24th century all books are forbidden. He asks himself about the value of his job and life. Fahrenheit 451, is a temperature that makes a book start to burn.
△‘The Art of the Deal’ (Donald Trump) : Trump’s autobiography including his success story. According to the critic, reading this book is quiet a fine way to understand his political view.
권신혁 한경닷컴 학생인턴기자(연세대 융합인문사회계열 1년)