박동우 교수의 영어 이야기
동사가 필요로 하는 주어·목적어를 '논항'이라고 해…동사에 따라 '동명사' 'to-부정사' 등 형태 달라져
Euclid made two great innovations. The first is the concept of proof. Euclid refuses to accept any mathematical statement as being true unless it is s...
2022.02.28 10:00
단어의 의미도 시간이 지나면서 달라져요…예전에 새를 뜻하던 bird와 fowl도 변했죠
Food seeking combines sight, smell, and hearing, which are largely evolutionary adaptations to improve survival. All senses are generally employed, bu...
2022.02.21 10:01
'접속사 + 절1, 절2' 문장형태에서 주어가 같을 때…접속사와 절1 주어 생략하고 분사구문형태로 표현
The globe has huge temporal dimensions. For ages barren nature existed without living things. Life began on earth some 3.5 billion years ago, but mode...
2022.02.14 10:00
타동사 deprive, inform, prevent 목적어 다음에 특정 전치사구 동반하죠
In the UK statutory sick pay is paid to most employed people who are sick or disabled and therefore unable to work. The payment reflects your income -...
2022.02.07 10:00
be동사는 주어와 술어의 연결 고리일 뿐 그 자체로 의미를 갖고 있지는 않아요
The home environment is of principal importance during these years [from birth to about 3 years] since much of the infant’s time is spent in tha...
2022.01.24 10:00
영어는 '목적어+주어' 어순 허용 않지만…명사구가 길어질 땐 문장 뒤로 외치 시키죠
Some people, perhaps most, have a measure of their day that is reactive. Things occur that cannot be predicted, at least individually, and a proportio...
2022.01.17 10:00
that·one, 앞 문장 일부 대체하는 대명사, 단어 반복 줄여주는 경제적인 표현 도구
Sometimes art therapists do things that do not involve patients or clients, such as teaching, supervision, consultation, and research. The fundamental...
2022.01.10 10:00
한 문장 안의 두 개의 절을 연결할 때…while이 '비록 ~이지만'으로도 쓰여
The initial response to flood damage was to try to ‘control’ floods through structural means such as dams or embankments. It was found thr...
2021.12.27 10:00
합성어 blackboard, 혼성어 brunch 차이는
Traditionally, an error in which a word such as orange has been selected for ‘lemon’ has been regarded as a case of misselection of a neig...
2021.12.20 10:00
UN·NATO·NASA…앞글자 모아 만든 단어죠
Multilevel analysis is necessary to understand evolving conflict mediation. Traditionally, heads of state and state representatives mediate conflict t...
2021.12.13 10:00
appear, arrive, fall은 자동사…수동태로 못 써
Assimilation occupies an ambiguous place in democratic thought, one that has shifted greatly over the course of the twentieth century. In the earlier ...
2021.12.06 10:00
형용사·명사처럼 쓰이는 '동사+-ing'
Some foods are substances so alien that they seem to represent a category that simply should not be consumed. Insects, which in swarms are commonly fe...
2021.11.29 10:00
아파트, 미국은 apartment 영국은 flat
Time out is not the same as isolation. Isolating a child is not an effective method of behaviour management, and practitioners should never put childr...
2021.11.22 09:01
돼지는 pig 돼지고기는 pork인 이유
The vast majority of insects have a life cycle that begins with an egg, from which hatches a wormlike stage(called a larva), which seals itself into a...
2021.11.15 09:01
어휘가 접두·접미사와 결합하면 새롭게 태어나죠
Older organisms, having had many prior experiences with separation, can cognitively buffer the immediate absence of social companions with the confide...
2021.11.08 09:00
that의 다양한 문법적 기능 알아야 정확한 해석 가능
It is hard to accept the notion that our passion for film is based in our recognition that the image is technically of the world past. […] Most...
2021.11.01 09:00
같은 단어도 상황에 따라 명사 또는 동사로 사용돼요
Observations of mammalian mothers interacting with their newborns reveal a number of complex and often predictable behaviors, many of which appear to ...
2021.10.25 09:00
문장에는 문법적 주어와 의미적 주어가 있답니다
Sapir’s influence directed attention to issues of semantics, that is, how languages convey meaning. A logical conclusion of this trend was to pr...
2021.10.18 09:01
remain, stay, feel 뒤에 오는 형용사는 부사처럼 해석
The seeds of many plants undergo a period of dormancy which may be very short (on the order of a few days) or prolonged (several decades or more). The...
2021.10.11 09:00
영어는 하나의 어휘가 동사·명사 등으로 다양하게 사용
Parent-child conflict provides an opportunity to convey the moral principles that might guide social life. Parents’ discipline often involves in...
2021.10.04 09:00