비즈니스 유머
호기심 - Curiosity
Oliver Wendell Holmes used to tell about the time all the people of the world decided to shout “Boo!” at the same time, so that the great ...
2015.06.30 21:18
장수 - Longevity
A reporter was interviewing a 105-year-old woman. “First, I’d like to congratulate you for you’ve attained such exceptional longevit...
2015.06.29 20:52
왕비의 소원 - Queen's Wish
It was the wedding night of the king and queen. After a big session the queen cuddled up and whispered, “Do the common people do this too?&rdquo...
2015.06.24 21:28
대가족 - Big Family
Ted, a business executive, has a lot of kids - nine to be exact. Flying to a business conference, he was chatting with his seatmate about family and h...
2015.06.22 20:59
골프장 목사들 - Preachers on Golf Course
Taking advantage of a balmy day, four ministers drove to the golf course. After several horrible shots, their caddy asked, “Why, are you guys al...
2015.06.19 21:02
연로한 성직자 - Elderly Priest
The retired elderly priest was a bit absent-minded. He often filled in for sick priests at other parishes, and one Saturday he found himself on a trai...
2015.06.18 20:35
졸고 있는 엄마 - Dozing Mom
The two-year-old daughter was with her mother while her older sister was being examined by a dentist. The baby kept herself busy playing with toys in ...
2015.06.16 21:28
종교 교육 - Religious Studies
It was George’s first year of religious studies at his school. Now the six-year-old boy already began to have his own opinion about what was bei...
2015.06.15 20:54
수도사 - Monk
Every ten years, the monks in the monastery are allowed to break their vow of silence to speak two words. For his first chance to speak, a monk says t...
2015.06.14 21:07
소음공해 - Nuisance
Four men were chatting over dinner in a restaurant. A man at the next table told his cell phone caller to hold on. Then he stepped outside to talk. Wh...
2015.06.12 21:34
수영 못하는 선장 - Captain Unable to Swim
The Great Lakes Laboratory of Buffalo State College in New York employed a licensed boat captain to man it’s research vessel. Now the fact that ...
2015.06.11 20:52
기혼자와 미혼자 - Married vs Unmarried
“Honey,” said the husband to his wife, “I invited a friend home for supper.” “What? Are you crazy? The house is a mess, ...
2015.06.09 20:52
신경과민 - Nervy
The man worked evenings. His car’s piercing headlights would illuminate his neighbor’s bedroom at 12:20 a.m. as he turned into his drivewa...
2015.06.08 21:23
며느리 - Daughter-in-Law
As the son and daughter of a woman had gotten married within a month each other, a friend asked her, “What kind of man did your daughter marry?&...
2015.06.02 21:31
피아노와 클라리넷
The woman had always wanted to play piano, so her husband bought her one for her birthday. A few weeks later, her son called and asked how she was doi...
2015.06.01 20:52
컴퓨터 데이트 - Computer Dating
After his divorce the man turned to a computer dating service, which provided him with names and phone numbers of women whose profiles seemed a good m...
2015.05.31 21:09
늙었다는 징조 - Signs of Senility
You’re getting older when.-Your little notebook contains mostly names ending in M.D.-Your children begin to look middled-aged.-You’re stil...
2015.05.29 21:39
안전벨트 - Safety Belt
One warm summer evening, the woman was driving with her three young children. All of a sudden a woman in the convertible ahead of them stood up and wa...
2015.05.28 20:30
욕설 - Abusive Words
The preacher is repairing the church fence. Little Johnny is standing nearby for a long while. The preacher asks him, “Do you want to speak with...
2015.05.27 21:29
기도 - Prayer
The plane was experiencing considerable turbulence. One passenger began praying. “Lord, I’m a rich man. If you just let this plane land sa...
2015.05.26 21:02