영어 이야기
motel, infotainment 같은 합성어는 portmanteau
Danuri, Korea’s first lunar orbiter, successfully entered the target orbit of the moon earlier than planned, after a nearly five-month voyage, S...
2023.01.09 10:00
전치사 barring은 '어떤 일만 아니라면' 의미
Despite the protracted automotive chip shortage across the region, Hyundai Motor, Korea’s No.1 carmaker, sold 477,667 units in Europe in the January-November period. Kia’s sales reached a ...
2022.12.26 10:00
Bluegrass State처럼 미국 각 주는 별칭 있어요
SK On aims to become the world’s No. 1 battery maker by securing a production capacity of 500GWh by 2030, he said.Ford, which ranks second in th...
2022.12.19 10:00
도전장을 던질 땐 'throw down the gauntlet'
When industry sources last week revealed that Samsung Electronics Co. was developing state-of-the-art semiconductors with the industry’s most ad...
2022.12.12 10:00
'95% of votes tallied'는 무슨 뜻일까요?
The prestigious Seoul National University was the only university in South Korea to rank among the top 100 universities in terms of producing future e...
2022.12.05 10:00
whammy는 충격 받아 어려움에 빠진 상황 의미
S-Oil Corp., the South Korean unit of Saudi Arabian Oil Co., will approve the much-touted 8 trillion won ($6 billion) Shaheen project to expand its pe...
2022.11.28 10:00
gross를 동사로 쓰면 '수익을 올리다'는 의미
South Korean outdoor clothing retailer F&F Co. is expected to post 1.1 trillion won ($807 million) in sales revenue in China this year, emerging as the highest-grossing Korean brand in the world&rsquo...
2022.11.21 10:00
쏟아지는 말·요구사항 등에는 barrage 활용을
In response, South Korea fired three air-to-ground missiles from warplanes into the sea north of the disputed border. North Korea shelled a different ...
2022.11.14 10:00
고의 방해는 'put a spoke in someone's wheel'
Korea must embrace diversity to sustain K-culture: Sam RichardsThe country must encourage ideas from outside the center to continue its dynamic change...
2022.11.07 10:00
같은 업종 경쟁자는 counterpart로 표현
The imminent goal for Naver Cloud is to become the largest provider of cloud services in South Korea. Naver Cloud is South Korea’s top homegrown...
2022.10.31 10:00
노력으로 성과를 얻을 때 표현은 carve out
Artificial intelligence(AI)-driven translation has been dominated by big tech. Alphabet Inc.’s Google LLC is the global leader while Naver Corp....
2022.10.24 10:00
'make the cut'은 기준선을 통과한다는 뜻
Deep learning-based Software as a Service (SaaS) provider Z.Ai Inc. won the September pitch competition hosted by Seoul-based startup accelerator D.Ca...
2022.10.17 10:00
말을 타기 좋게 'leg up' 해주는 의미는?
‘Weaker won offers no leg up for Korean exporters’The steeper-than-expected decline in the won’s value is posing a grave threat to S...
2022.10.10 10:00
'a stitch in time saves nine'은 유비무환의 의미죠
The currency authorities have been relatively inactive in the market, saying the dollar is strong globally. The won is expected to grow more volatile ...
2022.10.03 10:00
반짝스타는 'one-hit-wonder'라고 표현해요
Chang revealed the Krafton leadership’s fundamental belief is that there is room for further growth, judging by the company’s ability and ...
2022.09.26 10:00
뜻밖의 일을 경험할 땐 감탄사 'lo and behold'
Kim Hee-su and three other friends from Yonsei University founded the company, Tailor Town which recommends up to 12 items to men in their 30s and 40s...
2022.09.19 10:00
'대세를 거스르다'는 표현은 buck the trend
Foreign stock buying on weaker won : Bucking the trend?When a country’s currency weakens, foreign investors flee the local markets as a softer f...
2022.09.05 10:00
the low-hanging fruit ; 낮게 달린 과일의 의미는 ?
As Yoon Suk-yeol’s presidency hits an early rough patch, it’s hard not to view his troubles through the lens of Japan’s Shinzo Abe.F...
2022.08.29 10:00
동등한 수준은 'be on par with'로 표현해요
In South Korea, games that stir up competition among players to rake in money have been the most popular in recent years. On multiple occasions, game ...
2022.08.15 10:00
우월함을 표현할 땐 edge를 활용해요
Naver’s web browser Whale challenges global rivals:New functions and localization services give Whale an edge in South KoreaSouth Korea’s ...
2022.07.25 10:00