[해외유머] '교리문답'
The man who had suddenly taken interest in religion was beingexamined by the parson before fully accepted into the congregation. "You have renounced sin, no doubt?" "Yes sir, by all means." "And from now on you are going to be a brother to your neighbors?" "Most certainly, sir." "And of course you understand that means paying all your justdebts?" "Now, just a minute," said the man, "You''re getting out of line. You''re talking business, not religion."======================================================================= parson : (교회의) 목사 congregation : (교회의) 회중 renounce : 배척하다 out of line : 빗나가서 ======================================================================= 갑자기 종교에 관심을 갖게된 사람은 정식신도로 받아들이기에 앞서목사는 이것저것 물었다. "물론 죄는 멀리하기로 했겠죠?" "그럼요, 여부가 있겠습니까" "그리고 앞으로는 이웃과 형제처럼 지내실테고?" "물론입죠" "그런데 그러자면 빚진 돈을 죄다 갚아야만 한다는 것도 잘알고 있을테죠?" "아니, 잠깐만요. 이건 이야기가 달라지네요. 그건 종교얘기가 아니라 장사얘기가 아닙니까" (한국경제신문 1997년 5월 9일자).