[해외유머] '대도(?)'

Prosecutor : "How long have you known the defendant?" Witness : "Twelve years." Prosecutor : "Now tell the court whether you think he is the type of man who would steal this money?" Witness : "There''s one thing I have to know before I could answer to that question Prosecutor : "What is it?" Witness : "How much was it?"======================================================================= prosecutor : 검사 defendant : 피고 tell the court : 증언하다======================================================================= 검사 ="피고를 안지가 얼마나 됩니까?" 증인 ="12년 됩니다" 검사 ="그럼 그가 돈을 훔칠사람인지 아닌지를 증언해주세요" 증인 ="그 질문에 답변하기 위해서는 우선 알아야 할 것이 있습니다" 검사 ="그게 뭡니까?" 증인 ="금액이 얼마나 되는데요?" (한국경제신문 1998년 3월 2일자).