[비즈니스 유머] 만질 것이 없는 사람
At the interview the man was asked,"Do you have any military experience?" "Yes,I've been in the army," he replied. "Any disabilities?" "Well…In the Vietnam I had a grenade go off between my legs,blowing off my testicles," he replied. The interviewer,quite shocked,said,"All right, you're hired." "I don't want any special treatment just because of my disability." "Well," the interviewer replied, "I'll tell you the truth. Everyone normally comes at 9:00, but nothing gets done until 10. All they do is sit around,scratching their nuts trying to figure out what to do."
*disability:신체적 장애
"군대 갔다왔어요?"하고 면접을 담당하는 사람이 물었다.
"육군에 근무했습니다" "신체적으로 무슨 장애가 없어요?" "베트남전쟁에서 수류탄이 두 다리 사이에서 터지면서 고환이 떨어져나갔습니다" 아주 충격을 받은 면접 담당자는 "좋아요. 채용됐습니다" "난 신체적 장애 때문에 특별대우를 받고싶지는 않습니다" "실은...다들 보통 9시에 나오지만 10시까지는 아무것도 하는 일이라곤 없어요.그저 앉아서 불알을 긁어대면서 무얼 할까 궁리할 뿐입니다"