[못말리는 주식회사] 조감도
-Here’s an airscape and photos of the site.
-Let me see.▶airscape 조감도,site 부지,현장
[The construction site] ...Branch of XX bank.
-Gee! This is what I have been looking for.
-There’s XX bank in our town!
만화:서기윤 '불량회사원의 낙원' 저자
번역:Shannon Kim 'Try again 토익단어장' 저자
-Let me see.▶airscape 조감도,site 부지,현장
[The construction site] ...Branch of XX bank.
-Gee! This is what I have been looking for.
-There’s XX bank in our town!
만화:서기윤 '불량회사원의 낙원' 저자
번역:Shannon Kim 'Try again 토익단어장' 저자