[못말리는 주식회사] 중요도

-This is really urgent.I want you to finish this as soon as possible.
(When you receive an order like this)

(1 year after you enter the company)

-This work was given to me because the boss trusts me.I must meet his expectation.
*meet expectation 기대에 부응하다.

(4~5 years after you enter the company)

-I don't think,this is an important matter.I think,I only have to complete the work that the boss is interested in.

(years after you enter the company)

-What made you think this is important? Did you read this report over anyway?

(You rather get angry with the boss.)

*read ~ over ~를 훑어보다

만화=서기윤 '불량회사원의 낙원' 저자

번역=Shnnon Kim 'Try again 토익단어장' 저자