[Global HR Forum 2006] (8일) 베텔 하더/덴마크 교육부 장관 연설 - 영문본

Education Policy for the Global Knowledge Society

Summary of Speech (300~400 words)1) The speech will touch upon the program – ‘Progress, Innovation and Cohesion’, the government’s strategy for Denmark in the global economy and mention the key initiatives related to education and business and industry.

2) The point of departure is favorable. The labor market has outsourced many jobs without impacting the unemployment rate which has constantly decreased. The ‘flexicurity’ model provides employers with the ability to hire and fire staff to meet the immediate needs of their business and at the same time providing security for those leaving their jobs in terms of subsidy and access to ongoing education and training providing access to new job opportunities.

3) The Challenge for Denmark is to further develop and enhance the strongholds in the system. Making vocational education and training more attractive, strengthen the apprenticeships, creating new pathways from VET to higher education, align research and development with VET and maintain and develop a responsive and dynamic lifelong learning system. Further develop the tri-party system (the state, business and industry, trade unions) in the field of education and research.
The perception of education - the way education policy is developed, the way the educations systems are organized and the way teachers and students are interacting – is very different in Asia compared to Europe – in particular Scandinavia. In both regions education struggles with different challenges and holds different strengths. The speech will conclude by pointing out areas in which synergies and new common approaches might occur and mentions the MoU between Denmark and Korea.