[취업에 강한 신문 한경 JOB] 지난해 하반기 공채 통과…은행원 된 '나만의 합격비결'

천생 은행원이었다. 반듯한 외모에 예의 바른 말투…. 하지만 이들은 나면서부터 은행원이 아니라 ‘은행원의 길’을 찾은 사람들이었다. 신동해 씨(기업은행)는 “독일 교환학생 시절 독일이 강대국이 된 이유는 중소기업이 강했기 때문이라는 말에 이끌려 중소기업을 돕는 은행에서 일하고 싶은 마음이 생겼다”고 했다. 김기윤 씨(KEB하나은행)는 “청소년 금융교육 봉사를 통해 은행원이 되는 꿈을 키웠다”고 말했다. 지난해 말 하반기 공채를 통해 국민은행 우리은행 KEB하나은행 기업은행 농협은행의 신입사원이 된 5명을 만나 ‘나만의 합격비결’을 들었다.

필기·면접 예상문제·경제신문 스터디 적중신동해 (기업은행)

신동해 씨를 만난 건 연수원에 들어가기 전날인 지난해 11월 마지막 날이었다. 신씨는 KEB하나은행에도 최종 합격했다. 하지만 신씨가 기업은행에 입사하기로 마음먹게 된 계기는 기업은행 청년인턴 경험 때문이었다. 그는 “기업은행 청년인턴 13기로 8주 동안 근무하는 동안 본부장님의 퇴임식, 신입사원 입사와 자유로운 육아휴직 등을 보면서 내게 맞는 회사라는 생각이 들었다”고 말했다. 그는 우수 인턴이 되려면 “연구과제를 잘 준비해야 된다”는 팁도 알려줬다.신씨가 말한 합격비결은 ‘든든한 기업은행 인턴 동기와의 스터디’였다. 인턴 기간 매주 2회 신문 읽기 스터디를 하면서 필기와 면접에 대비한 것이 적중했다는 설명이다. 논술문제 ‘G2리스크의 영향’과 약술 문제 ‘이자보상배율’은 스터디 때 함께 풀었던 문제였다. 신씨는 인턴 시절 신문을 직접 챙겨준 영업본부장께 감사도 잊지 않았다.

최종 면접에는 전무이사, 부행장 2명(경영지원본부장, 카드사업부), 인사부장, 인사팀장 등 4명이 참석했다. 은행원의 덕목, 인턴생활 중 느낀 것, 한국 경제 전망 등에 대해 질문을 받았다고 했다. 신씨는 면접장 책상에 물, 노트, 펜이 놓여있어 지원자를 배려하는 것이 인상적이었다고 말했다.

특히 오전 시간 면접 응시생들은 인사팀과 함께 19층 직원식당에서 점심도 함께했다. 신씨는 “대학 시절 여행사 가이드를 통해 익힌 고객서비스 정신과 독일 교환학생, 하나은행 글로벌 원정대에서 배운 글로벌 마인드가 은행 입사에 도움이 됐다”고 말했다.앱 공모전 입상…산업공학도의 도전

이희정 (우리은행)

은행권에서 우대하는 정보기술(IT) 분야 전공도 아니다. 금융지식을 검증할 수 있는 자격증이 있는 것도 아니었다.

하지만 공대 출신인 이희정 씨는 우리은행 합격자 명단에 당당히 이름을 올렸다. 비결이 뭘까. 이씨는 ‘도전’이라는 한 단어로 정의했다. “모든 것이 도전이었습니다. 국토대장정 행군, 스마트폰 앱 코딩 공모전 참가도 도전이었죠. 도전을 통해 옆 사람을 배려하고, 화합하고 목표 달성의 의미도 배웠어요” 변지형 우리은행 인재개발부 과장은 “연수생 가운데 성실함과 적극성이 가장 뛰어났다”고 칭찬했다.

이씨는 대학에서 산업공학을 공부했지만 일찌감치 전공과 다른 분야로 진로를 정했다. 적십자사에서 주최하는 국토대장정, KT 모바일 퓨처리스트 등 대외활동을 통해 협업과 소통능력을 키워나갔다. 스마트폰 앱 공모전에 도전해 상을 받기도 했다.

비전공자로서 부족한 금융지식을 보완하기 위해 1년간 한국경제신문을 구독했다. 이씨의 신문 읽기는 종이신문 스크랩을 한 뒤 거기에 자신의 생각을 적는 방식이었다.

최종 면접에서는 부행장 2명이 지원자 10명을 평가했다. 이씨는 우리은행 슬로건인 “퍼스트무버(우리나라 1등 은행), 영선반보(성공하려면 남보다 반걸음 앞서야 한다), 역진필기(힘을 다하면 반드시 성취한다)로 활동한 적이 있는가” “타은행 인턴활동 중 어떤 상품을 개발했는가” 등의 질문을 받았다고 했다.

은행권만 한우물…세곳서 동시 러브콜

김기윤 (KEB하나은행)

김기윤 씨는 KEB하나은행, 기업은행, 우리은행 세 곳에 최종 합격했다. 농협은행 5급은 필기시험을 통과했지만 면접 일정이 겹쳐 포기했다. 그는 최종적으로 KEB하나은행을 선택했다. 김씨는 “은행원이 되고 싶어 은행 이외에는 지원하지 않았고 떨어졌다면 또 지원했을 것”이라며 “3년차 이상 선배들이 가장 많이 추천한 은행이어서 선택했다”고 말했다. 김씨는 대학 시절 한국거래소 금융교육 봉사단 활동, 청소년금융교육 협의회 해외봉사활동 등을 통해 존중과 배려의 가치를 배웠다. KEB하나은행 인턴도 값진 경험이었다. 금융자격증은 없지만 대학 시절 내내 경제신문을 꾸준히 본 덕에 100 대 1의 경쟁률을 쉽게 뚫을 수 있었다.

2013년부터 1박2일 합숙면접을 도입한 KEB하나은행은 필기시험을 통과한 1500명을 대상으로 2주 동안 면접을 봤다. 면접은 △자소서 기반 행동사례 면접 △폴리아트 △PT △논술 △토론면접 등으로 진행됐다. 행동사례 면접은 과거 지원자의 경험을 물으면서 그 경험이 입사 후에 어떻게 활용될지에 대한 질문이 많았다고 전했다.

PT는 ‘은행원으로서 지점 마케팅 전략’에 대한 20쪽 분량의 사례 문제를 통해 지원자 스스로 해결책을 제시하는 것이었고, 논술시험은 단순한 지식보다는 인문학에 대한 폭넓은 사고를 지닌 사람인지를 보려는 문제가 출제됐다. 김씨는 “KEB하나은행은 다양한 고객과 함께 대화를 할 수 있는 기본적인 소양을 가진 사람을 뽑는 것 같다”고 말했다.

미스유니버시티 출신…'문송합니다' 는 없다

김소영 (국민은행)

‘문송합니다’란 신조어가 유행할 정도로 어문학과 출신들의 취업은 쉽지 않다. 하지만 중어중문과 출신의 김소영 씨는 국민은행 신입사원이 됐다. 김씨는 “미스유니버시티 대회 참가, 인사동 중국 관광객 통역 봉사, 네이버 영·중 번역기 개발 참여 등의 다양한 경험을 은행업무와 연관지어 자소서에 녹여냈다”고 말했다. 그는 마치 취업 컨설팅을 받은 듯 자신의 경험과 은행원에게 필요한 역량을 연관해 풀어냈다. 김씨는 국민은행이 신입행원 연수원 입소자 모두에게 제공한 겨울철 외투와 바지, 셔츠를 입고 인터뷰에 나왔다.

김씨는 언론정보학을 복수 전공하면서 2년간 신문을 꾸준히 구독한 것이 필기와 면접에서 큰 도움이 됐다고 전했다. 경제신문의 은행 관련 용어를 별도로 정리하기도 했다. 신문을 볼 때는 기사를 스스로 분석하고 자신의 견해를 써보는 습관으로 정보 추출력, 글쓰기 능력을 기르기도 했다.

국민은행은 다른 은행과 달리 반나절 면접을 실시했다. 1차는 자소서 기반 행동사례면접과 세일즈·토론 면접이었다. 세일즈면접에서는 “세종대왕이 훈민정음을 만든다고 하면 얼마를 대출해 줄 것인가”와 같은 의외의 질문이 나왔다.

토론면접에선 임금피크제가 주제였다.

김씨는 “꾸준히 신문을 구독하면서 경제상식을 쌓고 다양한 대인관계로 소통 능력을 넓힌 것이 은행원의 역량을 갖추는 데 도움이 됐다”고 말했다.

무에타이 국가대표…'발차기'로 면접 뚫어

서용빈 (농협은행)

농협은행 5급에 합격한 서용빈 씨의 이력은 특이했다. 마이스터고를 다니며 무에타이를 배워 한국 대표가 됐다. 대학을 가야겠다고 결심하고 경상대 도시공학과에 진학했다.

졸업 후엔 주특기인 무에타이 능력을 살려 호주에서 강사생활을 하기도 했다. 연봉 1억5000만원 정도의 수입을 올릴 정도로 ‘달콤한 강사생활’이었지만, 부모님과 함께 살고 싶어 한국으로 돌아왔다.

농협은행 면접에서 ‘무에타이와 은행원의 공통점이 뭐냐’는 질문에 서씨는 “운동량을 채우기 위해 날마다 스케줄을 짜는 것이 습관화됐는데 영업이 중요한 은행원이 돼서도 자신과의 약속을 지켜나가겠다”고 대답했다. 그는 “오늘 100번의 발차기를 하자고 스스로에게 다짐해야 다음 날엔 101번, 그다음 날은 102번 발차기를 할 수 있다”고 덧붙였다.

↑ QR코드 / 신입사원들의 동영상을 볼 수 있습니다.
그는 금융권 취업을 할 수 있었던 비결로 △운동을 통해 체득한 ‘할 수 있다’는 신념 △목표 달성을 위한 노력과 절제 △무에타이 챔피언으로의 성공경험 등 세 가지를 꼽았다.

그는 매일 30분 이상 BBC방송을 시청하면서 글로벌 경제이슈를 놓치지 않으려 했고 부족한 경제 지식을 위해 경제 서적과 신문을 닥치는 대로 읽고 정리했다고 말했다.

서씨는 농협은행 지원자들에게 “농협은행의 가치, 역사 등 특징을 미리 파악해두면 면접에서 큰 도움을 받을 수 있다”며 “해외 뉴스사이트를 통해 국내외 경제 트렌드를 익혀두면 차별화된 답변을 할 수 있다”고 말했다.


They looked like they meant to become bankers considering their handsome faces and polite manners. However, after the interview was over, I could realize that they are not bankers by nature, but they were just pursuing their dreams of becoming bankers. Donghe Shin(IBK) said "When I was an exchange student in German, I heard the main factor that had contributed to the change of German into superpower was power of medium and small firms. Ever since then, I wanted to work at a bank that support medium and small firms." Kiwoon Kim(KEB) said "The experience of volunteering at finance education organization taught me the nobility of working for others and not for myself."

I heard 'the special tips to become a banker' from five people who became new bankers of KB, WOORI, KEB, IBK and NH banks. Their motives are all different, but they are all going through tough times at their training workshop to become 'perfect bankers'. Heejung Lee(Woori) said "Right now I am attending this workshop as a learner, but the thought of attending workshop as a mentor after 10 years really excites me."

I am very thankful for these five people who welcomed reporters with big heart, even though they are very busy at their training workshops.

■Average B plus grade, but still got love call from 2 banks

I met Donghe Shin in the last day of November which was a day before training workshop. He passed the final job interview at both IBK and KEB banks. However, he chose to work for IBK since he was an intern in IBK. He said "Being an intern, I could see director of headquarter's retirement, new employees' joining, and many benefits like maternity leaves. Then I could realize that these whole atmosphere of IBK really fits me." He also mentioned that in order to get a recognition of an excellent intern, interns have to work hard to get their research assignment done.

His special tip to become a banker is study group that he had with other interns. "During the internship, we met twice a week with other interns after work to study for essay questions and job interview. 'The effects of G2 risk on Korea economy' and 'times interest earned ratio' were topics that we studied together in our study group." He said that he was especially thankful for the director of business in IBK who gave him the newspapers everyday. Last year, IBK held new job interview format which were discussion, Presentation, Speed quiz, handling customer complaint and Sales.

Executive director, two vice presidents, personnel manager and personnel team manager held final job interview. They asked questions about virtue of banker, what they learned from internship, and the future of Korea economy. He said that he was impressed by their kind consideration. There was a bottle of water, note books, and pens prepared for the interviewee. Also, lunch was provided for those who had interview at 10:30 in the morning. They could get a chance to have lunch with personnel managers. He said "Customer service attitude that he learned from working as an tour guide and global mind that he got from global expedition had helped him a lot to become a banker"

■Industrial engineering major becoming banker

Her major is Industrial engineering, it is not even Information Technology that Banks prefer when hiring new employee. Also, she did not get any certification or license related to financing. However, non of these stoped her from becoming a banker. She became a new employee in Woori Bank. Her secret to success was 'challenge'. "Everything was a challenge." She said. "attending Cross country walking and entering smart phone application coding contest were all huge challenges. I could learn consideration, importance of harmony with others, and also the meaning of achieving goals from these challenges." Personnel manager of Woori Bank said "She is the most diligent and initiative person among the new employees of this year."

Even though her major is Industrial engineering, since she was not interested in this field, she decided to pursue another career. She had a lot of experience with outside activities like cross country walking and KT mobile futurist. She also won an award from the smart phone application contest. She learned cooperation and communication from each activities. She has been subscribing Hankyung Newspaper for a year in order to study finance and economy. "At first, it was very difficult to understand because I was not familiar with the terms. But now, I can easily discuss about current economic issue with other people." Her way of reading newspaper was not just reading. She made a scrapbook and also added her thoughts everyday.

Job interview of Woori bank is composed of five different interviews which are 3minutes of self promotion, discussion, competing presentation, and sales. Sales part of the interview is selling 15 different financial products to interviewee. She said "The most important thing is communication with customers when it comes to selling financial products." Final interview was held by 2 vice presidents of bank. They asked questions about her experience of being the first mover, experience of taking initiatives, experience of achieving something after hard working, and also what kind of product she had developed during her internship with other bank. Her colleagues said "She is very considerate person. She can understand other people's mistake."

■Apparent Banker, Received three love calls from banks.

Kiyoon Kim, received love calls from KEB-Hana, IBK and Woori bank. He passed NH Bank employment test but he gave up his interview because of schedule conflict with other banks. He wanted to work as a bank employee more badly than anything else and his aspiration to be a banker didn’t let him apply to any other job opening. Kiyoon said "If I were not hired this year, I might have tried once again next year. I was desperate for joining KEB-Hana bank, which work seniors working at a bank for more than 3 years have highly recommended“. He was taught the values of respect and consideration for others from activities such as volunteering work of the financial education at the Korea Exchange when in college and overseas volunteer work at a financial education conference for teenagers. Also, Internship program at KEB-Hana bank was the priceless opportunity for him. The lessons taken from those experiences, which are more than worth it, successfully combined with the core values (Passion, Open mind, Customers first, Professionalism, Respect, Consideration and Honesty) into his personal statement. Without any finance certificate, his reading the economic daily steadily all through his colleges years enabled him to beat the odds of 1 in 100 without too much difficulty.

From 2013, KEB-Hana bank launched camp interview program, interviewing 1500 qualified applicants for two days. It included △Activity-case situation △Poly-art △PT △Essay test △Debating test. Many of the interviewees were asked how they could utilize their work experience at the company. The applicants were given PT whose topic was about the 20page case study of establishing marketing strategy of branches as a banker, through which they should come up with their own unique solutions.

Writing test evaluated their ability of wide and diverse thinking other than their general knowledge on humanities. Poly Art was about the movie, Forrest Gump.

He said, KEB-Hana bank want the employees with the basic fundamentals who come to understand various clients and are able to converse with them.

■The word impossible is not in my dictionary.

As the job market is getting more fierce than before, students majoring liberal arts are left out in the cold. A newly coined word like 문송합니다 shows how harder securing a job is to them.

However, 'Soyoung Kim', passed final interview of KB Bank, which is uncommon. Soyoung said "I want to emphasize three things on my job application. Friendly personality, Meticulous attitude at work and Cooperative partnership in many different sectors.".

Actually her study was not confined to majoring chinese language. She took a part in 'Miss University' and learned how to treat people kindly. Also Soyoung could discover her meticulous aspect during working as a volunteering translator for tourists in Insa-dong of Seoul. Futhermore, she worked in NAVER(네이버) dictionary team for 'Korean-Chinese translation project'. She pointed out that good teamwork was very important by working together and she learned how to come to understand one other in totally different areas. Her experiences in the translation team taught her how to adjust different opinions. Soyoung connected her versatile experiences into capabilities of professional bank employees like a job consultant. She has robust physical strength enough to march 100 kilometers two days without staying even before the interview. Besides she won the silver medal in the National Taekwondo Championship when she was in middle school.

Kim appeared on interview wearing her winter coat, trousers and shirts offered to all 231 new bankers of KB.

she majored in Chinese and communication studies and tried to keep up with the social and economic trends reading newspapers constantly for two years. All of these, she admitted, helped her prepare for both written test and interview.

In addition to reading economic daily, she sorted and summarized economic terms of bank.

Unlike other banks, KB Bank's interview took only a quarter of a day. The first interview was 'Activity-case situation interview', based on job application. On 'Sales interview' creative questions were suggested like 'How much will you loan to King Sejong for research funds of Korean letters(훈민정음)?'. However, 'Salary peak system' was the main topic of debating interview, which asks common social issues. Soyoung said, “Not only reading an economy newspaper, to learn common issues, is important, but also good personal relation has been required for better communication with customers”, she added “In my case, diverse experience helped me to develop banker’s capability.”

■A former Korea Muay Thai national team member, new-comer Banker (NH Bank)

Yongbin Suh (15` NH Bank's new-comer banker) has a unique background. Suh joined Korea National Muay-Thai team when he was in highschool. Wanting to go to college, he majored in urban-engineering at Gyeongsang National University(경상대). After he graduated from college, he worked as a Muay-Thai instructor in Australia instead of utilizing his major. He was a high income earner(about 15,000$ annually) and enjoyed his life abroad. But Suh came back to korea because he missed his parents. His mental strength disciplined through his 'Muay Thai' experience positively influenced making a job choice.

Interviewer asked him to explain similarity between martial arts and a banker. Yongbin answered "Making daily plans is one of my habit for training. I will keep this positive aspect as selling financial product is the most important qualification as a banker."

Yongbin, who doesn't know even the ABC about a bank takes up the leader of NH newcomers training camp.

He pointed three reasons how he could pass the employment test and interview. One is a 'Belief' of what he could possibly do. Second, his endeavor and strict control toward achieving goals. The last is the successful career as a Muay Thai Champion.

It was told Yongbin not only watched BBC programs more than 30 minutes everyday not to miss global economic issues but also read and summarized everything of books and newspapers on economic to catch up on economic knowledge. As a way of self-control, he stopped drinking and giving up his hobbies to focus on a goal. His motto is like this 'If we realize our own limitation too fast, we don't have a dog's chance of discovering our limitless potential power. His capability of skillful 'Role-play interview' and interacting with customers is based on his learning 'How to talk with various people in Australia while he was working as a Muay Thai instructor.

Suh told the applicants for NH, "Understanding of Nonghyup(NH)'s own value, history and feature would be greatly helpful in preparing interview" and he added "Make use of contents in foreign media web-site. This will broaden your view on domestic and international economic trend and eventually distinguish yourself in answering for the job interview."

(Translation: Seyeon Lim(Sungkyunkwan University English Language and Literature Senior)
Job Supporter Inho Hwang(Industry Desk Intern)공태윤 기자 trues@hankyung.com

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