[취업에 강한 신문 한경 JOB] 증권사 올 채용화두는 영업·모바일·글로벌…"경제신문에 다 있네!"
한경으로 나만의 콘텐츠 만들기
각사 대표 신년 인터뷰 챙기고
절세상품 리스트는 줄줄 꿰야
핀테크 등 최근 이슈도 숙지를

Q. 증권사 입사준비 어떻게 해야 하나요?

이 기사를 읽은 증권사 입사 준비생이라면 ‘금융권의 절세상품 리스트’는 훤히 꿸 정도로 준비해야 한다. 저금리 시대엔 절세가 곧 수익률이 될 수 있기 때문이다. 절세상품이나 절세의 구조를 제대로 이해하고 있는 취준생은 드물다. 각 금융권의 절세상품을 연구해 절세상품 영업 전문가로 성장하겠다는 포부를 밝힌다면 면접담당자의 공감을 얻을 수 있다. 대학시절 소액투자를 통해 터득한 자신만의 투자 마인드를 자기소개서에 소개할 필요도 있다. 최 부회장은 나름의 투자원칙 ‘C·D·E(소비자·분산·이머징)’을 제시했는데 이처럼 면접 때 경험을 통한 투자원칙을 소개한다면 충분히 감동적인 콘텐츠가 될 것이다.
◆이메일 받습니다=한국경제신문 JOB이 ‘한경으로 나만의 취업콘텐츠 만들기’를 연재합니다. 진로 및 취업을 위해 무엇을 어떻게 준비해야 할지 고민하고 있는 2030이라면 누구나 신청할 수 있습니다. 이메일 trues@hankyung.com공태윤 기자 trues@hankyung.com
Job Korea, on-line job search site, had conducted a survey with senior students, and it turned out that 8 students out of 10 failed to get a job. Only 50.8 percent of the applicants passed essay test which is the very first step of the employment process. It means that almost half of the students could not even get a chance to participate on job interview. Hankyung newspaper is starting 'making my own contents with Hankyung' series in an attempt to help students getting jobs by reading economic newspaper. Students can write individualized essay and finally can find their jobs by reading economic newspaper. Professor Lee (Deaho Lee) of Sookmyung university who was former analyst and publisher of 'Going strait to the company I want by making my own contents' series is going to write 'help' section of the new series.
Q: I am a senior student in Seogang University who major in Economy. I want a job in stock company, and I want to know to get a job in stock company by reading economic newspaper.
A: The key word that the stock companies focus on when hiring new employees are 'sales, mobile, global'. We first test students whether they have fully understood general asset management process. Also, we emphasize sales mind since sales is required mind. We prefer those with global minds as well due to stock companies' frequent M&A or overseas expansion. We have made contents about preparation for getting a job in stock company with articles on January. Students need to pay special attention to articles on January since the articles were written based on the new year's interviews of CEOs.
◆ <Dream about becoming expert on tax reduction products>
(Hankyung 1/12 page A24 interview of Hyunman Choi, Mirae asset) He stressed the necessity of salary mens' having investment mind in preparation for retirement. Also, he emphasized investing in consumer goods, new growth industry, and diversifing investment. He added if he were in his 30s, he would have studied tax reduction production.
Students who are dreaming about working in stock companies need to be familiar with tax reduction products. As long as the government decided to maintain its low interest policy, tax reduction products are profitable. However, only few students know tax reduction products, or the process of reducing taxes. Therefore if you introduce yourself as future expert of tax reduction products, they would hire you. CEOs also emphasized the importance of tax reduction products during interview.
They also recommend senior students to invest at least little amount of money to feel investment mind. After experiencing investing process by yourself, you can write stories about this in essay, or you can introduce your own specific investments rules during job interview.
◆Asset management with mobile phone... engineering majors can get job in stock companies
(Hankyung newspaper 13th, page A15, interview on CEO of BMW) It might seem that this article is quite distance from getting job in stock companies. However, we need to acknowledge the fact that this is related to stock market since he canceled motor show and visited Korea to emphasize the importance of investing in Korean market. He said "Korea is 8th biggest market of BMW, so we are going to invest more." After reading this article I recommend you to get part time job in imported car company. Most of the customers of imported car market are rich. Therefore it might be very brilliant if you write about rich customers' thoughts and life style while working in imported car company. Then with this writing you can proudly write about yourself that you want to become experts on finding rich people. They would probably take credit for this.
In terms of starting asset management system with mobile application in stock companies, article about asset management with Kakao talk application is very important to those who want to work in stock companies. Asset management service that was provided only for rich people is now being provided to all customers. Engineering major students who are interested in IT and mobile application can now work in stock companies. Obviously, right now, there are many math or statistics majors who are working in quant field, but the chances are open to all the IT major students. It is necessary to study about business strategy using mobile service.Translation: Seyeon Lim(Sungkyunkwan University English Language and Literature Senior)
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