삼성SDI, 중국 연구소(SDI R&D China) 설립

Samsung SDI Expands Global R&D Network to China

Company adds a new R&D center to China to complete its global R&D network encompassing Europe and the US

Sets up Material Verification Lab under SDIRC for new material sensing

Samsung SDI CEO Yoon-ho Choi says, “By leveraging global technological competence and talent pools, we will further bolster our pursuit of super-gap technological competitiveness”

SEOUL, Korea – April 2, 2023 – Samsung SDI today announced that it has established a new research and development center in Shanghai on April 1, completing its global network for technological research and development across the world.

Last year, the company opened similar research centers – SDI R&D Europe (SDIRE) in Munich July 1, and SDI R&D America (SDIRA) in Boston on August 15.This move by Samsung SDI, a finishing touch in building its own global R&D network, comes amidst the company’s full-fledged drive for achieving super-gap technological competitiveness as it intends to secure core battery technologies such as battery manufacturing methods, facilities, next-generation batteries, material technology, etc., in each regional cluster encompassing Europe, the US, and China respectively.

SDI Research & Development China (SDIRC) is going to focus on strengthening the collaborative network with such prominent universities and research institutes in order to secure specialty technologies and take on competitive analysis. A new research lab dedicated to verification of battery materials under SDIRC will play a role in sensing and verifying new functional, affordable materials. In the come future, Samsung SDI’s Chinese research arm will capitalize on their networking activity to forge university-business collaborations and build a capable, internal infrastructure for technology evaluation aimed at discovering new materials.

Back in 2020, the Chinese government announced New Energy Vehicle Industrial Development Plan where it manifested the strong state push in the battery industry. On top of that, over thirty universities in China run programs to raise battery experts and numerous businesses and research institutions working on battery cells and materials are operating in the country.Samsung SDI’s expenditure on research and development investment stays at the industry’s top level, demonstrating the battery maker’s resolve in developing the next generation battery technologies as its future growth drive. According to the company’s business report disclosed in March, Samsung SDI’s research development expenses were KRW 1,076.4 billion in 2022, the highest figure by the company in this category of expenditure.

In an effort to emerge as a global Top Tier company by 2030, Samsung SDI has spared no efforts in generating a pool of future battery talent as indicated by series of agreements on raising battery professionals with numerous prestigious universities home and abroad as well as a career event titled Tech & Career Forum which was held last year for PhD students and graduates in Korea.

“The purpose of establishing research and development centers overseas is to secure our edge in global technological competence and talent pools in the respective regional cluster,” remarked Yoon-ho Choi, President and CEO of Samsung SDI, and added, “We will further bolster our pursuit of super-gap technological competitiveness through collaborations with top universities and research institutions.”About Samsung SDI

Samsung SDI, headquartered in the Republic of Korea, is a world-leading battery and electronic material manufacturer redefining the worlds of electric vehicles, energy storage systems and IT devices. The company drives transformation and innovation to emerge as a ‘Creative Energy and Materials Solution Leader’ across the fields of e-mobility, energy solutions, as well as semiconductors and displays. The company commits to sourcing 100% renewable electricity across its entire global operations by 2050. For the latest news, please visit the Samsung SDI News at

뉴스제공=삼성SDI, 기업이 작성하여 배포한 보도자료.